
TheendingvideoshowstheBydoforcesescapingEarthinthemidstofafierceSpaceCorpscounterattack.Releaseedit.Demoversion ...,2007年10月23日—我開始想人類是不是有另一個結局大家來討論看看吧....因為R-TYPE通常都有多個結局的0.0.,ThefirstchapterendswithanassaultonthePlutosphereandtheliberationofGlitnir(inferredtobejointoperationbetweentheEAAFandGZRAbytheending ...,Intheend,thethoughtspellsoutfellasleepandwhen...


The ending video shows the Bydo forces escaping Earth in the midst of a fierce Space Corps counterattack. Release edit. Demo version ...


2007年10月23日 — 我開始想人類是不是有另一個結局大家來討論看看吧.... 因為R-TYPE通常都有多個結局的0.0.

R-Type Tactics II

The first chapter ends with an assault on the Plutosphere and the liberation of Glitnir (inferred to be joint operation between the EAAF and GZRA by the ending ...

R-Type Command | R-Type Wiki

In the end, the thought spells out fell asleep and when you[we] next woke up you[we] were a bydo all you[we] want is now to go back home to your[our] beloved ...

Video Game R

The human ending in R-Type Tactics shows the Heimdall sunk into the Bydo dimension, while the Bydo ending has your fleet realizing what they've become and ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
